

Looking at present tech world as a digitally-savvy customer your customers expect you to deliver the best of its services to stay engaged. Being a financial institution or Bank, your customers want you to invest in their financial wellbeing, be their trusted partner in helping them reach their goals, discover new ways of conducting business efficiently, assist them in saving money and reward them for their loyalty. It’s all a tall wish list indeed. So you as a Bank try to find the best of technology for your customers to stay with you for longer or lifetime duration.

ChatBOT’s are emerging as the preferred customer on board, customer service & customer support platforms for financial services providers as they facilitate many other benefits with two-way communications with computers using natural language processing (NLP) using machine learning.

AI-powered, enterprise automation BOT – ProcMATE uses machine learning, they learn from user behavior and analyze trends. This helps you or any financial institutions to provide an advice on a massive scale and with better influence. It has been stated by Gartner that in next few years the banks will communicate with their 85% of the customers through AI-powered BOT’s

While there is a vast array of complex banking use cases that highlight the incredible capabilities of ProcMATE, here are few of the use cases which are totally relevant for Banking business.

Use Cases

  •  Eligibility Check & KYC verification : In built decision making system that can be configured with parameters based on organizational process for KYC.

  • BOT can assist in fraud detection: Acts as a detective in sending the push notifications pro-actively. This helps to identify the transaction and get it verified immediately.

  • BOT can process unstructured data through OCR technology : AI based OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology present in ProcMATE, quickly and accurately converts unstructured data from documents into structured data which can be then further stored and processed as per business requirement.

  • BOT can give Predictive Analysis:
    Predict risk of loan delinquency and recommend proactive maintenance strategies.
    Predict risk of loan delinquency and recommend proactive maintenance strategies.
    Route call-center cases based on multi-model data (e.g. customer preferences, audio data) to increase customer satisfaction and reduce handling costs.

Banks are adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) these days to bring an Automation in every process.

ProcMATE can automate any simple as well as complex task. Being built on cognitive platform and latest machine learning techniques ProcMATE is capable of doing any type of complex tasks. With ProcMATE an enterprise middleware platform, the possibilities of automating any process or task is easy & endless.

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